We have updated our guidelines to enable the Club to open Wet Bar on
23rd September @ 1700pm.
· On entry to club ALL Members and Visitors MUST sign in, detailing Name, No. of people in Party, Time of entry & Contact Telephone number.
· Members must wait to be seated and may have to wait outside if a table for Food or Bar is not available.
· Face coverings must always be worn (including going to the toilet or going for a smoke) when NOT seated at your table.
· A Maximum of 6 people, from any number of households can be seated at ONE table. Children under 12 are not counted in this number. More than 6 people can sit at ONE table if they are from the same household.
· It is PROHIBITED from moving between tables OR moving tables together.
· Food & Drink will only be served by waiters, who will collect orders from your table once all group members are seated. Customers must not approach the bar to order drinks.
· Bookings for the Bar is preferred but not essential -please call Valerie on 02893351499
Bar opening hours-
Wed- Fri. 17.00 -22.00pm last orders 21.30pm.
Sat 13.00 -22.00pm last orders 21.30pm
Sun 13.00 -21.00pm last orders 20.30pm
· Restaurant bookings are not essential, but it is advisable to book in advance (Stephen on 0778 6047 448) as tables may be limited.
· Restaurant opening hours Wed- Fri 17.00 -21.00pm last meal orders 20.30pm.
Sat 13.00 -21.00pm last meal orders 20.30pm
Sun 13.00 -20.00pm last meal orders 19.30pm
· Please ensure you respect Social Distancing with other parties!
We thank you for your Co-Operation in respecting these requirements during this unprecedented period.
Billy Crook Gordon Keen
Chairman Secretary